Aquaguad is the Best Water Purifier Provider in Pakistan to filter the water and also provides the Best Price for Water Filtration and Ro Plants  in Pakistan. We are also the best Household Water Filtration System, Water Purifier, Domestic Ro Plants, and Commercial Ro Plants Provide in Pakistan.


3 Stage Slim Line remove chlorine and other chemical tastes, odors plus dirt, sediments, making water cleaner, clearer, and safer for you.

  • PPF Filter for Sedimentation
  • CTO Filter for taste, color And Smell.
  • Ultraviolet Lamp
  • Big Blue Slim Line Housing


  • FRP Sand Filter
  • FRP Resin Filter
  • FRP Activated Carbon Filter
  • Manual and Auto Control Valve
  • Sediment Filter Assembly
  • Brine Tank Imported
  • UPVC Fitting
  • Skid Stainless Steel


  • FRP Sand Filter
  • FRP Resin Filter
  • 3 Way Valve (Sand +Carbon)
  • Big Blue Jumbo 20”
  • Brine Tank Imported
  • UPVC Fitting
  • Skid Mild Steel


Water is one of the most precious commodities available to mankind, so much so that it is essential to life. However, water can also contain and transport microorganisms and bacteria that can cause serious health problems (including high mortality rates in developing countries). Fortunately, today there are solutions to clean water from contaminants such as B. Water purifier. Here we will see what they are and their pros and cons.


A water purifier is a device used to purify the water we drink from the tap of any impurities it may contain. The water we drink is probably safe, but that doesn’t mean it’s completely free of potentially harmful substances or agents. It is precisely these substances that deprive us of water purifiers.


Current water treatment plants mainly use technologies based on mechanical filters, activated carbon, microfiltration or reverse osmosis separation membranes, UV disinfection systems, carbonization, and electro-deionization.

In practice, they are intended to soften drinking water and remove chemicals and suspended matter, which should already be removed by the water treatment plant and water analyzed by the water supply network operator, which at the same time regularly controls microbiological, and chemical, and physical parameters of water quality.


The water conditioner is placed directly on the tap or in a container in the sink and by using various filters, the water can be cleaned of microorganisms and bacteria as well as pollutants, dirt, or unwanted substances. Therefore, they are very useful devices in places where the water quality is poor. Drinking clean water is also the first step for those who want to start taking care of themselves.

There are different types of water conditioners (see below). The most complex include whole-home installations; with the simplest to simple filter containers. In any case, they all serve the same purpose, albeit on different levels: removing impurities from water to improve its taste and take care of our health and that of those around us.

In the following points, we will look at some of the main advantages of water conditioners as well as some more negative factors to consider. We’re going there!


If you buy one of these faucet diffusers that purify your water, or any of the other systems mentioned above, you will find that the main advantages are:


The most obvious advantage is that all, who want it have access to clean water. This is especially useful in areas with poor water quality. You could also say that they improve the quality of the water, wherever it comes from.

Now you should always check the filters and replace them regularly, otherwise, there is a risk that bacterial colonies will form and you will no longer drink such pure water. The lack of hygiene and maintenance of the softeners contributes to the increase in the bacterial load. This aspect is also highlighted in the regulation on this type of equipment, emphasizing the importance of informing consumers about this potential risk.


On the other hand, one of the benefits of using water conditioners is that anyone can drink water without risk to their health. In other words, they increase safety and reduce the risk of illness or infection from drinking contaminated water. For example, you eliminate the risk of stomach and intestinal diseases caused by poor water quality.
But here, too, you have to pay close attention to the hygiene of these devices or filters. This is the only way you can be sure that the benefits are real.


Regarding the previous point, the use of these cleaners is recommended for all types of people, but especially for children or pregnant women, or those more prone to stomach and intestinal problems.


The water purifiers, especially those with a diffuser that we put on the tap, are simple devices that do not require large installations or complicated maintenance systems. Anyone can have a water purifier at home at an affordable price.


Another strength of water purifiers is that they are cheaper in the medium term than buying bottled water. You indeed need to make an initial investment in the water purifier and some of its parts need to be replaced after use (e.g. filters). It’s also true that you should use more tap water than the purified water you get. Nevertheless, the price-performance ratio is significantly better.

On the other hand, buying bottled drinking water every day means that we have to load our car with packs of five or ten-liter bottles or jugs, with all the consequences that this entails. So installing these air purifiers gives you, especially the elderly, a little peace of mind as well.


Of course, it also improves the taste of the water. We all know that the saying that water has no taste is not true and that pure water tastes much fresher and more pleasant than, for example, chlorinated water.


Finally, the use of water treatment plants also reduces the production of plastic waste. Although plastic bottles are recyclable, there are still many people who don’t, leaving those bottles in the trash everywhere. Water conditioners are already helping to reduce this problem.


The truth is that water purifiers seem to be in vogue lately. There is a wide range of air purifiers and accessories on the market today specifically designed to meet your needs, allowing you to choose the system that best suits your needs. In addition, these sewage treatment plants are in almost all cases high quality and efficient and, depending on the system, also quite cheap, as we have already noted.
These are the main advantages of water purifiers. Now let’s look at what disadvantages they also have and what we need to look out for.


As mentioned in the previous point, water purifiers need to be properly maintained to prevent the build-up of bacteria and dirt. This regular maintenance consists of checking and, if necessary, replacing the cardboard cartridge. We recommend that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions, but we may need to do this more often depending on how we use the air purifier.

This is all about water purifiers. We hope we’ve helped you better understand the pros and cons of these devices. Of course, for us, there are many more pros than cons to using water conditioners, and we believe that in many cases their price is insignificant compared to the health benefits they can provide.


They are the simplest and most economical way of cleaning water from bacteria and impurities. But while they do their job to a certain extent and make the water taste even cleaner, their effectiveness is very limited and they rely on a simple filter that only serves to remove the most superficial impurities, not to completely close the water filter to clean.

Also known as filter jugs, they are the most widely used water purification system for home use as they are very inexpensive and can reduce water hardness and improve the taste.

The device takes the form of an ordinary jug, inside which there is a compartment with an activated carbon filter, the function of which is to collect organic compounds and chlorine present in the water. Operation is very intuitive: tap water is poured into the jug, which is usually equipped with a small funnel, and the filter inside works immediately. After use, it is always best to store the pitcher in the refrigerator and stop drinking water in the pitcher after 24 hours to avoid bacterial build-up.


This is perhaps the most common option. They are based on a very simple installation on the kitchen faucet. An adapter is attached to it, which is connected directly to a cleaning vessel. In this way, the water that comes out of the faucet goes directly into the purification tank, which filters the water and then acts as a faucet (the water no longer comes out of the faucet, but from the purification, tank attached to it).From small 1 liter containers to large carafes, there is a wide variety of devices of this type.


This system must be connected directly to the water supply and can be more or less bulky depending on the size of the compartment, where the waste from the treatment process is to be collected.

Its operation is based on the use of a special membrane through which the water is filtered: impurities from the membrane end up in a collector, while clean water comes straight from the tap. Therefore, tap water will be better in terms of smell, taste, and quality.

Therefore we can say that this is the option for those who want a house with water completely free from contamination. It is a more complex installation that requires more expensive equipment, although you can find it for around 200 euros. In the video below you can see how the reverse osmosis process works and how it is used to purify the water in your home.

To assemble one of these reverse osmosis cleaners we need to be somewhat handy or at least have some plumbing knowledge (we need to do work on the pipes, maybe disassemble the sink, etc. So we recommend if you can’t or don’t have the resources, to install it yourself, have a professional do the installation (many companies that sell this type of equipment, such as Leroy Merlin, have an installation service.


Water softeners are machines, not so much can soften water. For the best, As a result, these devices are installed under the sink and connected directly to the water supply, but portable models are also available. Their mechanism of action is based on the conversion of calcium and magnesium ions into sodium ions, thanks to the presence of ion-exchange filters that filter the water not only soften but also remove barium, nickel, cobalt, etc., and other toxic metals. These devices are useful when there is too much ‘hard’ water in the home, which over time can lead to premature wear of the devices as well as more consumption of detergents needed to remove the characteristic white sheen from fabrics and dishes withdraw. Drinking water that is very rich in minerals can also lead to stone problems.


There is also a final variant, the most economical and probably the one chosen by those who care about the environment and water quality. Building your water purifier isn’t too complicated, and all you need is a bottle for a reservoir and a mixture of fine sand, gravel, small and medium-sized rocks, and crushed charcoal or activated charcoal. Do you dare to try it or do you prefer everything already done?

These are some of the most common types of water purifiers out there. In the next section, we look at how you can easily install a tap water purifier yourself.


Next, we explain how to install an outlet filter on the faucet, a much simpler process.

The first step is to obtain the necessary accessories, which consist of the purification container, handles or connecting hoses, screws, keys, and, of course, adapters for the fitting and the purification container.

On the other hand, it’s necessary that before beginning the “installation” we tend to shut the cock and open the faucets to get rid of all the residual water. Once this is often done, we will simply annotate the installation.

The water makers that exist today have very simple systems that connect directly to the water maker and from there to the faucet. In any case, the installation consists of connecting the adapter of the faucet to the adapter of the cleaning tank. The cleaning tank can be attached and placed in a variety of ways, but the most common way is to conveniently attach the tank to the faucet.

Most of those systems are, as we tend to say, already “plug and play” and need no plumbing knowledge. The truth is that these air purifiers are pretty cheap and represent good value for money. The water quality is significantly improved and requires no initial investment or complex construction work.

Everything here revolves around water purifiers. We hope this INFO is useful to you and you decide to bring purer water into your life. Finally, we leave you a video and some links that you may find interesting in addition to the information in the article.


While no exact data is available, or at least we have not been able to find it, water purification filters last many years, but they are not unlimited. You’ll need to consider the type of air purifier you’re looking to buy or the type of filter, so we recommend doing some research before you buy so you can gauge its durability.

Depending on the filter type of your air purifier, you will also need to perform basic maintenance, i.e. removal, cleaning, and replacement, every three months.